Rambles from my makeup box.

Nip+Fab - Kale Fix moisturiser.
Boots Botanics - All Bright Radiance Balm.
Charlotte Tilbury - Eyes To Mesmerise in Bette.
Nails Inc - NailKale Superfood Base Coat.
Charlotte Tilbury - Bond Girl.

Monday, 29 June 2015

Lush Cosmetics - Yuzu and Cocoa Bubbleroon.

Hi everyone I hope you all had a lovely sunshine filled weekend! I have decided that this is going to be the week that I finally stick to my new blogging schedule no matter how many broken laptops I go through! So this week I'm starting with a Lush cosmetics bubbleroon review because lets face it, everyone deserves a nice relaxing bath after a hard Monday!

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Ted Baker - Pink Body spray and Body Soufflé.

Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well! Today I am going to review this luxurious rose gold Ted Baker body spray and body soufflé that was kindly sent to me by Boots.  If you're looking for the prefect treat for yourself or a loved one, then look no further!

Monday, 22 June 2015

Soap and Glory - Whipped Clean Shower butter.

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a lovely weekend! To start this week off I am going to review the Soap And Glory Whipped Clean Luxe Cream Wash Shower butter which is the perfect sweet treat for a Monday.

Friday, 19 June 2015

My nail care routine - Seche Vite, Dry fast top coat.

Hello again everyone! Today I am continuing on from Wednesdays blog post  with my nail care routine, finishing of course with my top coat. I am so late to the Seche Vite game it's unbelievable. It is always being hyped about in the blogging world but with a £9 price tag I've always been a bit hesitant, but after trying it out for a while do I think it's worth it?

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

My nail care routine - Base coat: Avon 24K Strength.

 Hi everyone! It has been an eventful week in my little flat with my laptop deciding that it just didn't want to work anymore and then me slicing my finger open on a food processor blade, so I've had to take some time off blogging again. But with a borrowed laptop and bandaged finger hopefully I can get back on track now, and I thought I would start talking about my nail care products today. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Blogging fail.

Hi everyone! I know it was not even a week ago that I promised a new blogging schedule, but my laptop has well and truly broke, so there will be no blog post tonight.
Hopefully I will be back soon though!   

Hope you all have a great evening!


Monday, 8 June 2015

Lush - Let the Good Times Roll cleanser.

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Today I am going to tell you about one of my all time favourite cleansers from Lush. When I first went into Lush to buy a new face scrub I had full intentions of buying Dark Angles but after smelling this I just had to have it, and it works amazing too! 

Friday, 5 June 2015

Bee inspired - Honey Bath Bomb with bergamot, sandalwood & pine.

Hi everyone, I forgot to mention last week that I have planned a new blogging schedule and will now be posting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays! So this Friday I thought I would review a lovely little bath bomb that I picked up from my local farmers market in Surbiton.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

REN - Clearcalm 3 Replenishing Gel Cream.

Hi everyone, I'm back! My laptop has finally been fixed and I am so happy to be blogging again as this small break has made me realise how much I love blogging, so today I am going to review RENs Clearcalm 3 replenishing Gel Cream, something I have fallen in love with.