Rambles from my makeup box.

Nip+Fab - Kale Fix moisturiser.
Boots Botanics - All Bright Radiance Balm.
Charlotte Tilbury - Eyes To Mesmerise in Bette.
Nails Inc - NailKale Superfood Base Coat.
Charlotte Tilbury - Bond Girl.

Friday, 30 January 2015

SlenderToxtea - 14 day teatox review.

Hey everyone, today I am going to share my experience of doing the 14 day Slendertoxtea teatox. I have heard a lot about teatoxes and have always been interested in trying one, so when Slendertoxtea sent me this free trial I couldn't wait to get started!

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Liebster Award - Take 2.

Hi everyone! Today I am going to do another Liebster Award post as I was nominated by Wndrlands, and if you haven't already go check her blog out she does the most wonderful makeup!

Monday, 19 January 2015

Urban Decay - Naked on the Run.

Hey everyone, sorry for the slight delay of this blog post but I have finally got around to reviewing Urban Decay's Naked On The Run palette. I'm not going to lie but I had no intention on picking this up but after finding out the Flushed palette I was after had sold out and then seeing this beauty I just couldn't resist! And I am so glad I did pick it up as it has become a staple in my makeup routine.  

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

January Birchbox review.

Hey everyone, today I will be reviewing this years first Birchbox (I'm still not over the fact it is now 2015 and almost half way through January)! This months Birchbox has a great theme of health and fitness and they have teamed up with Women's Health magazine, which I think is great as you can't have January without health and fitness being thrown at you everywhere! 

This month I received:
  • Healgel - Body
  • Beauty Protector - Protect & Detangle
  • Activbod - Feel great shower concentrate
  • REN - Glycolactic Radiance renewal mask
  • Stila - Lip glaze
  • Embrace Matcha - Green tea
  • Birchbox - Pilates band

Saturday, 10 January 2015

My skin savior - Sudocrem.

Hey everyone! Today I thought I would do a review on the one product that I could not live without.. Sudocrem. Usually found in the baby isle it is most commonly known for it's use for nappy rash, but this product has so many uses and I would not live without it.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Lush - The Comforter.

Hey everyone, can you believe we are already a week into 2015! I have now returned back to uni, so now I am only planning to blog on Wednesdays and Saturdays as I have a lot of work to do (and I'm already behind)! Today I am going to review Lush cosmetics The Comforter which I think is one of Lush's most iconic items.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Apple, Marzipan and Cranberry crumble.

Hey everyone, I hope you all are well! Today I am going to do a quick recipe post on my winter/festive apple crumble that I made the other day which is perfect for getting rid of any leftover Christmas ingredients (if you have any). Also I'm sorry the pictures aren't great, but this was a bit of a last minute blog post as I really loved this recipe!

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy 2015!

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a great Christmas and a happy new year! I'm sorry that there haven't been many blog posts recently there has been a lot going on, but I hope to start writing more posts tomorrow, with the first being a very yummy recipe! 

I really hope you all have a wonderful, safe and healthy new year! 


(Lulu's new years resolution is to relax more!)