Rambles from my makeup box.

Nip+Fab - Kale Fix moisturiser.
Boots Botanics - All Bright Radiance Balm.
Charlotte Tilbury - Eyes To Mesmerise in Bette.
Nails Inc - NailKale Superfood Base Coat.
Charlotte Tilbury - Bond Girl.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Elegant Touch - Constellation False Nails.

Hello everyone, I hope you all are well! Today I am reviewing something that I never thought I would review.. False nails. I have only ever had used them twice in my life and that was over 6 years ago, and never used them since as I just could not get on with them. However after seeing these rose gold beauties I don''t know how I was meant to walk past them!

Elegant Touch Constellation

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Toni&Guy - Nourish Reconstruction Mask.

Hi everyone, I hope you had a lovely weekend! Now we all love a good face mask and most of us have one in our weekly routine, but hair masks are usually forgotten about. However I think the Toni&Guy Nourish Reconstruction Mask could change this.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Real Techniques - Miracle Complexion Sponge.

Hello everyone, I hope you all are well! Today I am going to be reviewing this Miracle Complexion sponge from Real techniques. Now I am a big fan of beauty sponges and loved my beauty blender literally to death but I couldn't justify spending £16 on a small sponge whilst on a student budget, so when I saw this sponge in boots for just £5.99 I couldn't wait to see how it compared!

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Lush - The Rough with the Smooth.

Hello everyone I'm back and I'm happy to be reviewing a new favourite body scrub of mine The Rough with the Smooth sugar scrub from Lush. Now don't get me wrong I still love my The Breakfast Scrub from Soap and Glory but how could I not buy this Lord of Misrule scented scrub which I think is perfect for these colder months! 

Lush The rough with the smooth body scrub

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Quick life update.

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well! 

I'm sorry I've been quite for a while, but I've been bombarded with coursework to do for uni and at the moment that is taking up a lot of my time. But hopefully next week i'll be back to blogging again next week! 

Have a lovely weekend! 
Victoria xx

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Bee inspired - Gardener's Hand cream.

Hi everyone, I hope you've all had a lovely week! Today I am going to review this gorgeous hand cream that was gifted to me by Bee Inspired when I last saw them at my local farmers market. I love this brand as they focus on making natural products with minimal yet highly effective ingredients with beeswax being at the center of all their products. And everything I have used from them I have found to be lovely! 

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

September Birchbox review - Happy Birchday!

Hi everyone, can you believe I'm back! Sorry I've had a bit of a break from blogging but between work and illness I have not had the energy or motivation for anything, but I'm glad to be back doing what I love! So today I am going to review this months Birchbox (Sorry it's late!).

In this months special Birthday Birchbox to celebrate a great 5 years of beauty subscriptions, which was gorgeously designed, I received:
  • John Masters Organic - Citrus and Neroli detangler.
  • Beauty Protector - Beauty Wash.
  • Laura Mercier - Face Polish.
  • Benefit - The POREfessional: license to blot.
  • Laqa & Co Cheeky Lip Pencil - Cray Cray.
  • Birchbox BirchBrush.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

The Body Shop - Colour Crush lipstick Spice Things Up.

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a great bank holiday weekend and didn't get too soaked in the rain! Today I am going to review this gorgeous lipstick that I picked up in The Body Shop a couple a months ago, and I haven't been able to put it down since!

The Body Shop Colour Crush Lipstick Spice things up 330

Friday, 28 August 2015

August Birchbox review.

Hi everyone I'm back, can you believe it? It fees like ages since I lasted blogged and I have missed it! Today I am going to review this months Emoji themed #BeautyJunkie Birchbox. I love the design of this box and in it I received:
  • Formula 10.0.6 - Overnight Success 
  • Huygens - Exfoliating Cream
  • Kebelo - Clarifying Shampoo
  • Rituals - Ayurveda Scrub
  • Lord & Berry - Lotus Blush
  • The Balm Cosmetics - Balm Desert 
  • Emoji Stickers
August Birchbox review

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

The Body Shop - Radiant Highlighter.

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend in the sun! Today I am going to review this gorgeous highlighter that I picked up from The Body Shop a few months ago, and I think it is the perfect dupe of Benefits High Beam!

The Body Shop Radiant Highlighter

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

July BirchBAG review.

Hi everyone! Today I am going to review this months very special BirchBAG, after a couple of months not receiving a Birchbox I was super excited to start getting them again, and this month was a great way to start off! 

This summer themed bag is perfect for travelling and putting all your important cosmetics in, and it came with these amazing products:
  • Balance Me - Congested Skin Serum
  • Benefit Cosmetics - Dream Screen
  • Jeff Christain - Parlor 
  • Pop Beauty - Eyeshadow trio in Peach Parfait 
  • UNANI - Aloe Vera gel
  • BirchBAag and Blue headband.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Just a quick update.

Hi everyone! As you may have noticed I have not been that consistent with my blogging schedule recently and this is due to now working a full time job and being unwell, so sorry about the lack of blog posts! 

Hopefully though I am on the mend and should be able to post more regularly, though for the time being I think I'll go back to only posting Tuesdays and Fridays until I can finally get myself organised! 

I hope you all have a lovely week,

Monday, 20 July 2015

L'oreal - Colour Riche nail varnish.

Hi everyone, I hope you all had wonderful weekend! Today I am going to review a new favourite nail varnish combination of mine using the L'oreal colour riche nail varnishes. I'd never tried L'oreal nail varnishes before but these two colours caught my eye straight away and I just had to have them!

L'oreal Colour Riche nail varnish Pistachio Drage and Oulala blue

Monday, 13 July 2015

Super Facialist - Salicylic Acid Clay mask.

Hi everyone! Today I am going to review the very longed named Super Facialist by Una Brennan Salicylic acid Anti blemish Pore purifying clay mask (phew!). I picked this up in my local Boots store after running out of my beloved cupcake face mask and didn't have time to pop into Lush, and I had heard so many good things about it I thought I'd try it out!

Super facialist salicylic acid clay mask

Friday, 10 July 2015

REN - Vita Mineral Active 7 Eye Gel.

Hi everyone, I'm back today with a review of RENs Vita Mineral Active 7 eye gel. Now as you can probably tell within the last few months I have become a big fan of REN especially their clay cleanser and replenishing gel cream. So when I needed a new eye cream I couldn't wait to try one of theirs!

REN Vita Mineral active 7 eye gel

Monday, 6 July 2015

Emma Hardie - Moringa Cleansing Balm.

Hi everyone, I hope you are all feeling wonderful this evening! Today I am going to review the Emma Hardie Moringa cleansing balm that you have probably already heard about as it is a favourite in the beauty world, and let me tell you there is a reason for that!

Friday, 3 July 2015

Pamper night with Bliss Spa.

Hi everyone, I didn't think it would ever happen but I've finally managed to stick to my new blogging schedule! Today I am going to review two products that were kindly sent to me by Birchbox, because everyone deserves a pamper night after a long week working!

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

The Body Shop - Colour Crush Mad About Blue.

Hi everyone, I hope you are all keeping cool if you are stuck in this British heatwave we are having! Today I will be reviewing one of my new favourite nail varnish colours from The Body Shop which is perfect for the sunshine we are experiencing at the moment!

Monday, 29 June 2015

Lush Cosmetics - Yuzu and Cocoa Bubbleroon.

Hi everyone I hope you all had a lovely sunshine filled weekend! I have decided that this is going to be the week that I finally stick to my new blogging schedule no matter how many broken laptops I go through! So this week I'm starting with a Lush cosmetics bubbleroon review because lets face it, everyone deserves a nice relaxing bath after a hard Monday!

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Ted Baker - Pink Body spray and Body Soufflé.

Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well! Today I am going to review this luxurious rose gold Ted Baker body spray and body soufflé that was kindly sent to me by Boots.  If you're looking for the prefect treat for yourself or a loved one, then look no further!

Monday, 22 June 2015

Soap and Glory - Whipped Clean Shower butter.

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a lovely weekend! To start this week off I am going to review the Soap And Glory Whipped Clean Luxe Cream Wash Shower butter which is the perfect sweet treat for a Monday.

Friday, 19 June 2015

My nail care routine - Seche Vite, Dry fast top coat.

Hello again everyone! Today I am continuing on from Wednesdays blog post  with my nail care routine, finishing of course with my top coat. I am so late to the Seche Vite game it's unbelievable. It is always being hyped about in the blogging world but with a £9 price tag I've always been a bit hesitant, but after trying it out for a while do I think it's worth it?

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

My nail care routine - Base coat: Avon 24K Strength.

 Hi everyone! It has been an eventful week in my little flat with my laptop deciding that it just didn't want to work anymore and then me slicing my finger open on a food processor blade, so I've had to take some time off blogging again. But with a borrowed laptop and bandaged finger hopefully I can get back on track now, and I thought I would start talking about my nail care products today. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Blogging fail.

Hi everyone! I know it was not even a week ago that I promised a new blogging schedule, but my laptop has well and truly broke, so there will be no blog post tonight.
Hopefully I will be back soon though!   

Hope you all have a great evening!


Monday, 8 June 2015

Lush - Let the Good Times Roll cleanser.

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Today I am going to tell you about one of my all time favourite cleansers from Lush. When I first went into Lush to buy a new face scrub I had full intentions of buying Dark Angles but after smelling this I just had to have it, and it works amazing too! 

Friday, 5 June 2015

Bee inspired - Honey Bath Bomb with bergamot, sandalwood & pine.

Hi everyone, I forgot to mention last week that I have planned a new blogging schedule and will now be posting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays! So this Friday I thought I would review a lovely little bath bomb that I picked up from my local farmers market in Surbiton.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

REN - Clearcalm 3 Replenishing Gel Cream.

Hi everyone, I'm back! My laptop has finally been fixed and I am so happy to be blogging again as this small break has made me realise how much I love blogging, so today I am going to review RENs Clearcalm 3 replenishing Gel Cream, something I have fallen in love with.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Blogging update.

Hi everyone! Now you might have noticed that the blog has gone a little quite recently and that's because I can't access any photos on my laptop! So I just thought I'd let you all know that there may not be any posts for a while until I can get this fixed, which will hopefully be soon!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Lush - Big Blue Bath Bomb.

Hi everyone! Exams are finally over for me and now I can continue blogging again, and what better way to start than with a Lush post! The Big Blue bath bomb is relatively new to Lush (I think) and it is becoming one of my favourite bath bombs to use.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Charlotte Tilbury - Love Liberty Matte Revolution lipstick.

Hi everyone, today I am finally getting round to reviewing the gorgeous Charlotte Tilbury matte revolution lipstick in the shade Love Liberty. I got this back in the boxing day sales when I braved Oxford Street to purchase it, and it was well worth both the stress and the money!

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

April Birchbox review.

Hi everyone, today I am going to review this months gorgeous looking Birchbox who are celebrating the arrival of the new royal baby! This month I got a great selection of products which includes:
  • Laura Mercier - Foundation Primer.
  • Lola Barcelona - Nail polish in Rambla.
  • Percy & Reed London - Smoothed, sealed & sensational volumising no oil oil.
  • Bliss - Fabulous foaming face wash.
  • Korres - Bergamot pear body milk.
  • Befine - Warming clay mask.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Peanut butter cookie recipe.

Hi everyone, today I have a new recipe to share with you as I haven't done one for ages! This recipe combines 3 of my favourite things: Peanut butter, Chocolate and cookies and they are so quick and easy to make! Plus they make a great post workout snack or even as a breakfast snack with a smoothie!

Sunday, 12 April 2015

REN - ClearCalm 3 Clarifying Clay Cleanser review.

Hi everyone, today I am going to review one of my favourite cleansers that I have ever tried which is the REN clarifying clay cleanser. In fact I love this cleanser so much I even have a back up of it, and I never have backups of anything so that's saying something!

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Nars Audacious lipstick in Anita review.

Hi everyone, I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine we have been getting in the UK recently! As Spring is officially here and the weather is getting nicer I am starting to transition my lipsticks from berry coloured to more brighter and nude colours, and I think I have now found the perfect nude for me. I saw this Nars Audacious lipstick whilst browsing around Space NK and fell in love, so after trialing it a few times here is what I think.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Lush Easter collection.

Hi everyone, Easter is almost here (My favourite time of the year!) so I thought I would do a review on a couple of products from the Lush Easter collection. As well as the Golden Egg which I reviewed I also purchased the Immaculate Eggception and the Fluffy Egg bath bombs which I will be stocking up on.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Lush cosmetics - Golden Egg.

Hi everyone, spring is here the sun is shining and Easter is just around the corner so today I thought I would review the Golden Egg bath bomb/melt from the Lush cosmetics Easter collection. This bath bomb melt certainly caught my eye in the shop, but be warned if you're not a fan of glitter this product is not for you!

Friday, 20 March 2015

March Birchbox review.

 Hi everyone, I hope you all are well and enjoying the first day of Spring! Today I am going to review this Months Birchbox who have teamed up with Habitat to create what I think is their prettiest box ever! 

This month I received: 

  • Catherine Malandrino - Style de Paris Perfume
  • Serenity Skincare - Dead sea bath salt
  • Lord & Berry - Bronzer in Sienna
  • Philop Kingsley - Smooth cream
  • Benefit - Roller Lash
  • A chapter sample of A perfect Heritage
  • A mini notebook

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Botanics - Radiant Youth Hydrating eye cream.

Last year I discovered the importance of eye creams and have tried several to find the right one for me. Your eyes are always one of the first parts of your body to show the signs of aging due to the skin being so delicate, so it is important to look after them. So after a couple of months trying the Boots Botanics Hydrating eye cream I'm ready to give my verdict.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Dove - Refresh + Care Dry Shampoo.

Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of blog posts recently I have had so much uni work to do, but hopefully I'll be able to get back on track! So today I thought I would review the Dove hair therapy Refresh and care dry shampoo.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Lush Coalface review.

Hi everyone, today I am going to update you on my skincare routine. Last time I blogged about this I was using Dark Angles by Lush and I loved it however I also found it was very messy so when I saw Lush done a similar product in soap version I didn't hesitate to buy.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

The Bloggers Hub London Fashion Week Party.

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Today I am going to talk about The Bloggers Hub London Fashion week Gossip Girl party that I went to last Tuesday. Now if your're on Twitter you have probably heard a lot about this event, but I actually had a really nice time!

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Burt's Bees mini collection.

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well! Today I am going to review the Burt's Bees mini collection tin that I received as a Christmas present. This is the first time I have ever tried anything from Burt's Bees but I have always been interested in them since they use natural ingredients and don't test against animals.

In this tin cute little tin I received:
- Beeswax lip balm with Vitamin E and Peppermint.
- Lemon Butter cuticle cream.
- Hand Salve

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Charlotte Tilbury - The Dolce Vita eye shadow palette.

Hi everyone, today I am finally going to talk about the gorgeousness of the Charlotte Tilbuty The Dolce Vita eye shadow palette. This was another boxing day sale purchase when I forced myself to brave Oxford Street and go to Selfridges to pick up some luxury goodies, and it was definitely worth braving!

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

February Birchbox review.

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's day this weekend! Today I am going to review this months Birchbox which of course had love theme which I really loved! It seems to me Birchbox just keeps getting better and better each month, and this months selection of products were great! 

This month I received:
  • Liz Earl - Botanical Shine Shampoo
  • Caudalie - Vinoperfect Radiance Serum
  • theBalm cosmetics - Stainiac in Beauty queen
  • London Butterflies - Body Butter Souffle
  • Wild About Beauty - Golden skin glow
  • The Chia Co - Oats and Chia.
Now before we get started I must apologise for the picture quality in this post, time and natural lighting was against me! 

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Lancôme Paris - Hypnose Star Mascara gift set.

Hi everyone, I hope you all are well. Today I am going to review the Glamorous Eyes Lancôme gift set I got back in the boxing day sales, which seems ages ago now! In this set I received the Hypnose Star mascara, a mini Crayon Khol in noir and a mini Bi-Facial makeup remover.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Birchbox and Electric Hair event.

Hi everyone, I hope you're all having a great weekend! Last week I attended The Birchbox and Electric Hair event at the Electric hair salon in London, so today I thought I would share with you my experience and do a mini review on the products I received in my goody bag.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Lush cosmetics - Unicorn Horn.

Hi everyone, today I thought I would add an extra blog post this week on Lush cosmetics Unicorn horn which was released as part of their Valentines day collection. I mean just look it at, how could you go into Lush and not at least sniff it, it looks amazing and it certainly roped me in!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Timeless Truth - Green tea phenol soothing mask.

Hey everyone, I can't believe it is already February! This year seems to be going so fast and my exams in April seem to be creeping up on me at an alarming rate, and as this happens my skins condition goes down the drain. So to solve this problem a good face mask is needed, and when Timeless Truth sent me this one to try out I couldn't wait!

Friday, 30 January 2015

SlenderToxtea - 14 day teatox review.

Hey everyone, today I am going to share my experience of doing the 14 day Slendertoxtea teatox. I have heard a lot about teatoxes and have always been interested in trying one, so when Slendertoxtea sent me this free trial I couldn't wait to get started!

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Liebster Award - Take 2.

Hi everyone! Today I am going to do another Liebster Award post as I was nominated by Wndrlands, and if you haven't already go check her blog out she does the most wonderful makeup!

Monday, 19 January 2015

Urban Decay - Naked on the Run.

Hey everyone, sorry for the slight delay of this blog post but I have finally got around to reviewing Urban Decay's Naked On The Run palette. I'm not going to lie but I had no intention on picking this up but after finding out the Flushed palette I was after had sold out and then seeing this beauty I just couldn't resist! And I am so glad I did pick it up as it has become a staple in my makeup routine.